Blue circle health written in dark blue and orange with circle logo

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You may have noticed that Blue Circle Health does things a little different.  As with building anything new, many people have questions about it!  Read below for our most Frequently Asked Questions.  If you’re still unsure about how we can help you – reach out to us directly and we’ll talk with you soon.


We are a care, education, and support program for adults living with T1D. We are registered as a 501(c)(3) public charity and all of our services are free. We are currently licensed to operate in Florida and we’re working hard to make it to other states as soon as possible.

Our program has a whole team of T1D specialists, many of whom live with T1D. This includes certified diabetes educators, support coaches, insurance specialists, social workers, nurses, and doctors – all dedicated to helping you thrive with T1D. 

We can help you understand and manage your blood sugars, learn more about different insulin options and devices, help with getting and using insurance, connect you to local resources, even prescribe needed drugs and devices. We have a patient assistance program for patients that can’t afford their T1D-related medications and supplies and a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) Trial Program for people that want to try managing their T1D with the aid of a CGM.

The program is virtual, meaning we use text, phone calls, and video meetings (e.g., Zoom) to communicate with you. It’s designed to last up to 6 months and our goal during that time is to provide you with the care, education, and supplies you need to thrive with this difficult disease. 

It starts with us asking you questions to learn what areas you could use a hand with. Some people just need a quick brush up on managing highs or lows. Others need to see our endocrinologist, need help getting insurance or affording their insulin, or might benefit from being connected to housing or employment agencies in order to better manage their disease. Everyone’s journey with T1D is different and we design our program to meet your needs. 

We use the term “Full Circle” to describe patients who have completed our program, and invite them to continue to meet with us monthly to stay connected to our growing community.

All of our services are free of charge thanks to generous donations from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, a philanthropy that is dedicated to improving the lives of people with T1D.

Great! Our program is designed to provide extra support beyond what’s typically available via clinics. If you have great endocrinology care, we’ll spend our time together supporting you in other ways (e.g., with insurance, additional education, connecting you to a community of folks with T1D, etc). We will keep your existing care team posted on your progress and coordinate any additional care needed with them.

One of the first people you’ll meet when you sign up for Blue Circle Health is your diabetes support coach. Our diabetes support coaches also live with T1D. Your diabetes support coach is your personal guide throughout your time at Blue Circle Health. They’re someone to talk (or text) with when you’re having a tough day and they can work with you and your care team to be sure you’re getting the support you need while you’re part of the program.

Send us a note on our Contact page or shoot us an email with your name and phone number at and we’ll give you a call.

If you’re ready to sign up you can do that from our sign up page.